Light ceilings:
It is 4 pcs in one square meter.
Beams & light concrete beams:
It is 4 pcs in one meter of length (two pcs in each row with a distance of 5cm from each other)

How much is the consumption rate of plastic spacer in one square meter?

Rebar with low diameter (lower than 12mm) and .or thermal rebar are used in most concrete spaces with regard to the thickness of low concreting and/or expected lower resistance. It is possible to point out to concreting of beam block flooring ceilings, steel deck roofs, floors and twisted ceiling with light rebar network and concrete pre-fabricated parts. Then, naturally in such constructions the weight of rebar network and executive loads are lower than other constructional elements and may be used for providing a suitable concrete cover for rebar. This group of spacers are able to place rebar from 6 - 16 mm in diameter inside their locking tentacles. The major use of mini fix spacers is for steel constructions with maximum diameter of 12mm of rebar. Mini Fix Light Plastic Spacer has been designed and manufactured with lower weight and volume in comparison with others and more economic as well. Mini Fix Plastic Spacers could tolerate point load of 25-35kg which may differ with increase/decrease of spacer height. Since the above-mentioned items are generally light in Mini Fix Plastic Spacers, it is possible to place 4 spacers in each square meter for meeting all required expectations.
But in case of a construction with heavier and denser armatures, it is necessary to obtain required number of spacers for one square meter by calculating the weight of rebar network against one square meter and considering point load capacity.
Mini Fix Plastic Spacer has been designed in a way to be used in horizontal surfaces with light rebar networks such as ceilings.
Mini Fix Plastic Spacer is able to mount rebar with diameter 6-18 mm inside its tentacles. But it does not mean to tolerate imposed load by rebar with high diameter, because the plastic cover of Mini Fix has been designed for light horizontal surfaces and point load tolerance up to 35kg. In case the diameter of rebar is included in above-mentioned limit, but the weight of construction is high, it is recommended to use more powerful spacers such as Max Fix and/or Hard Fix spacers.
In case upon calculation of rebar network weight in one square meter and considering both live/dead loads are more than capacity of Mini Fix Spacer, it is not economic to increase number of Mini Fix Spacers for distribution of applied forces. It is better to use more powerful plastic spacers such as Max Fix because of their point load capacity about 4 times more than Mini Fix spacers. Naturally it is necessary to use lower number of them in one square meter. On the other hand, any reduction in number of spacers and selecting the suitable one is more economic from economy and performance time viewpoints.
It is suggested to use Mini Fix Plastic Spacers for any constructions with rebar diameter max. 12 and for higher diameters it is better to use more powerful and horizontal spacers as well.
Be careful not to insert the rebar into the spacer along with twisting and tuning to sideways because it may break the plastic spacer tentacles.
Mini Fix plastic spacer has two prongs for locking of rebar inside. The rebar is mounted on Hard Fix Spacer seat and fixed by locking prongs. After mounting of rebar on the seat of below surface of rebar up to the surface of frame or concrete, it may create concrete cover on rebar which is named as "Concrete Cover”.

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