Semi-heavy & Average floors:
Consumption rate of Max Fix Plastic Spacer is 4 pcs in 1 square meter.
Semi-heavy floors with rebar size lower than 22mm:
Consumption rate of Max Fix Plastic Spacer is 6-8 pcs in 1 square meter.
Beams & concrete beams:
It is 2 pcs in 1m of length (There are two pcs in each row with a distance of 60 to 70cm from each other)
Max Fix spacer has two prongs for locking of rebar inside. The rebar is mounted on Hard Fix Spacer seat and fixed by locking prongs. After mounting of rebar on the seat of below surface of rebar up to the surface of frame or concrete, it may create concrete cover on rebar which is named as "Concrete Cover”.

Qty & Consumption method:

Some of the constructional elements such as beams, concrete beams, strap beams, bottom of staircases, floors with average weight and ceilings with lighter weights are waved by rebar networks with diameters 10 - 22mm. Therefore, in normal conditions, they have a constructional average weight in comparison with heavier spaces such as foundation. In order to crate concrete coverage on average rebar, it is necessary to select a form of plastic spacer in compliance with the weight of rebar network and applied loads which project performance. Max Fix Average Spacer is the most suitable part for providing such a concrete coverage in constructional elements with average weight which is able to mount rebar inside its own prongs from 8-22mm.
Max Fix Plastic Spacer could tolerate point load of 150 up to 180kg. Then upon calculation of the weight of rebar and live/dead loads and putting suitable number of max fix spacers, it is possible to provide a suitable concrete coverage for rebar.
Regarding the special design and medium load capacity, Max Fix Plastic Spacer has been designed for medium & semi-heavy surfaces such as beams, concrete beams, floors with average weight, bottom of staircases and semi-heavy ceilings.
If the diameter of rebar is about 8-22 mm, it is not necessary to use Max Fix Plastic Cover. It is always according to the Max Fix Spacer Load capacity and calculation of rebar network weight in 1 square meter and also considering of live/dead loads for selecting type of spacer and consuming numbers in one square meter.
In case after calculation the weight of rebar network in 1 square meter, the obtained amounts are greater than average rates, it is not economic to increase the number of Max Fix Spacers. It is better to replace it with Hard Fix Plastic Spacer because of point load capacity even 2 to 3 times more than Max Fix spacer with lower usage in 1 square meter and also more economic in performance time.
It is suggested to use Max Fix Plaster Spacers for any constructions with rebar diameter of minimum 12, because rebar with lower diameter could not fix inside the tentacles of Max Fix spacer and becomes loose later.
Be careful not to insert the rebar into the spacer along with twisting and tuning to sideways because it may break the plastic spacer tentacles.
Max Fix Spacer has been designed to mount rebar with maximum diameter of 22mm. Then if it is considered to make concrete cover for rebar of greater sizes (up to 32mm), it is necessary to apply Hard Fix Spacer. If diameter of rebar is greater than above-mentioned amounts, applying of plastic spacer is not a suitable option.

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