​کیورینگ بتن ZCU30

Concrete Curing ZCU30

One of the major jobs in concreting is to maintenance & processing of fresh concrete after concreting and opening the frames. In lack of suitable processing of concrete, a great part of concrete water would be evaporated instead to be used in hydration process. Then the concrete may be weak with lots of superficial & deep tracks. This phenomenon is more obvious in tropical areas. The real meaning of concrete processing is to provide a coverage for expanding all properties of concrete in hardened mode. Originally, the mentioned processing process is a complex of operations through which the moisture & temperature conditions of cement mixtures are fixed in order to have correct hydration process. For this purpose, there is a fully efficient product with exclusive properties has been produced and marketed titled as concrete curing. Curing is able to provide a thin layer on concrete surface which may reflect a great part of sunlight upon the end of concreting. Then it may prevent from quick evaporation of concrete water and rising the temperature and further increasing the quality of concrete. Curing will provide an ideal situation for processing and maintenance of concrete. Please consider that processing condition has a significant and direct relation with resistance & durability of concrete.

Packing: 25 & 30 kg gallons​​​​​​​

Mode: Liquid (Colorless)​​​​​​​

Chlorine ion: ------

Special weight: 1.4 gr/cm3

Solubility in water & non-flammable ​​​​​​​


Reduction of concrete water evaporation speed by making a thin layer on extenal surface of concrete
No more need to continuous water spraying and moisturizing the concrete
Trapping of water for making progress in hydration process
Prevention from contraction and tracking out of quick evaporation of water and reduction of superficial penetration
Prevention from scaling of concrete
Prevention from temperature increase at surface of concrete
Reflection a great part of sunlight
No more changes in superficial color of concrete

Consumption method:

Curing should be performed immediately at the end of concreting and concurrent with opening the frames.
In case of any delay in curing, it is necessary to have water spraying for making ready the surface for curing.
In tropical areas and for great volume concreting, it is necessary to have thicker curing layer, therefore, it is recommended to have at least two curing layers. Providing the second layer of curing should be performed at most half to 1 hour after the first one.
In case of cold weather and soft wind, it is suggested to add curing material to + to %30 of water and then apply on the surface.
Concrete curing material could be applied in different methods such as spraying and/or by the help of brush and roller.

Consumption rate​​​​​​​

Normal environmental conditions:
In environments with normal weather conditions, each kilogram of curing product is enough to cover 5 to 6 square meters of the surface.
Hot weather:
In the tropics, curing should be done in two layers. Therefore, each kilogram of curing material is enough to run 3 to 4 square meters of surface. It is recommended to add 20 to 25% water to the product to apply the first layer.
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